dinsdag 11 januari 2011

Jupiler and marketing of football

Now i want to tell you more about the marketing of another beerbrouwer called Jupiler. Jupiler don`t spend so much on the marketing of football as Heiniken does but they have just a little aspect of the football in the Netherlands. They are the headsponsor of the 2nd division of the compatition in the Netherlands called Jupiler legau. This is that people heard a little about Jupiler and that is beer it isn`t so huge crowed that watch to that legua. But they also sponsor a program on television called Voetbal Internaltional.
This is a program who has many people watching who enjoy footbal. In this program they also shows fragments of the Jupiler legau so this is how the 2 things that Jupiler sponsors in the football. So the have somekind of linked sponsoring.
Ans in the program you see the bartenders and the host always have jupiler tabs or serve jupiler beeer because that the sponsor. So it a little obvious marketing but also in the back a little because you watch the program and then you see aor a jupiler tab or someone having a beer of it.
So this is how Jupiler want to get a kind of relation in the head of the consumers just like Heiniken only with a smaller amound of money spend on the marketing. But still get like the same result that Heiniken does. Thats getting related with football and that the consumers think about your beer when the play and watch football.

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