dinsdag 18 januari 2011

Reason to sponsor world best football clubs

In the next text i want u to get a better understanding of the reason why. Why compnaies sponsor the best football clubs when those companies already have a international name like unicef,samsung.
There are u few reasons why they sponsor clubs like chelsea,barcelona and real madrid. The main reason is of cource to sell more of there product and let the people get more intrest in the thing the sponsors sell.
But also influence the supporters by the fact that those people stand more behind the sponsor. But also when they buy a shirt of the favorite club lets take for example chelsea. Then the sponsors name stands on the boughted shirt and when people see the buyers of the shirt walk they also see the name of the sponsor. This is like a marketing that people like to wear and actually there making a kind of advertisement for the sponsor.

So when u sponsor a big club like chelsea who has alot of supporters then u cann get alot of these kind of marketing/promotion for being the sponsor of a club like this.
But sponsoring of a club like this is also a way of telling to the target group we are involved with football and want the football community to expand. We want to pay as companie for people who want to see good/great football. Because sponsoring a club like chelsea or barcelona cost alot.
And this is a kind of interaction with the public that they like and then u get a better reputation as company. And probably the supporters of a club that your company sponsors will get the supporters of your club easier to buy something of you then normally.
But there is also a down side because u always have rivals in football for example barcelona and real madrid.
And when u have this kind of rivals the supporters of the oppent club will buy probably less buy your company because your are sponsoring the main enemy of there club.

This kind of marketing has a few positieve effects but also cann have negative effect like less sells from a rivaling club there supporters.

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