vrijdag 14 januari 2011

The relation between Fortis and Feyenoord

This is the relation that i found hte intresting so far because the state of this two Fortis and Feyenoord are a little the same. Fortis was the headsponsor of Feyenoord for a few years but lately that has changed. The bank Fortis got some trouble because of the economic crysus there where in where no one cann escape from some people say its over but i think it isn`t over yet. And that the chance is there that this happends again. But Fortis got hit by this economic crises it become so high in depts that it gonna be merged with another bank. But what has this to do with Feyenoord u think. I will explain that.
The relation between these two Feyenoord and Fortis was a little similair there both where high companies who did well Fortis had a little influince in the bank indrustrie and Feyenoord was a name in the football world. But after time passes both companies where going under step by step it was for both a slow proces untill the economic crises when this crisis started Fortis wouldn`t sponsor Feyenoord anymore and they had to find a new sponsor but that didn`t pay that much as Fortis so Fortis was gonna down slowly because the crisis and Feyenoord by the lack of funding they got. So the companies are now similiar to eachother because Fortis is going to merge because lack of money and Feyenoord almost have a bankruptcy because lack of money. So i found it intressting that when this companies are working together they still are having almost the same destiny because when it did well with one of them it also went well for the other and now when it goes bad it goes bad for both of them so that relation i found intresting it could be coincedence or not but it caughed my attention.

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