donderdag 13 januari 2011

Philips marketing idea related to football

Philips is a huge companie. Who are selling all kind of electronic devices like televisions, coffeemachines ,surround sounds, radios and many more electronic devices.
And Philips is the head sponsor of one of the biggest clubs in the Netherlands PSV. So what is the relation between Philips and PSV. How is electronics related to football.
These are the questions that i will answer in this blog. Because it had my intrest why Philips a electronic companie is the head sponsor of a football club because i didn`t saw a connection between football and electronic devices. But after some searching i found out that Philips is the headsponosor for a couple reason.
Like there both located in Eindhoven. People who are proud supporters of the club mostly buy there electronic at Philips because thats the sponors of there club PSV. And because this is one of the largest clubs in the Netherlands PSV have many suppoters so this is one of the reasons for Philips besides that there both located in Eindhoven to sponsor PSV. But Philips sponsord this club also because it plays often internaltional games for exmaple in Spain France and Germany so sponsoring this club is also for getting international sales and respons from other countries to buy the product of Philips.
So i find that the sponsor of PSV by Philips is a good thing for both party. For PSV to have some money to become bigger of lately the pay debts like almost all the other football clubs. And its good for Philips because they cann get some name in other country then the Netherlands.
These days Philips already have a name in other countries and still becomes bigger. But they got the international relation a little from PSV because they are the sponsor of that club for like 20 years now.
So it was intresting to find out the PSV helpt Philips grown in internaltional area.

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